About Us

WP Dev Podcast is an independent premium publisher of mobile and desktop application news. Aside from the story, we also review all kinds of mobile apps and desktop software for every operating system available.

We aim to provide tech consumers with the best products and services today and uncover the truth behind mobile and desktop applications that contribute to tomorrow’s future. Our website interacts with hundreds if not thousands of people per month.

We cover mobile and desktop applications, the way they help consumers, their pros and cons, how they can unlock your lives, the people behind them, and how they are reshaping our future. Our reviews filter the new releases and software development through a human lens the goes beyond its technical aspects. Our articles create engaging, challenging, and entertaining conversations. If you are not an expert, we will help you be like one.

More than the published content, we continue to look for startups and individuals who are fueling the everchanging environment and innovations in mobile and desktop applications. We look for the releases from small companies who are not only innovators but resourceful engineers and developers competing with the bigwigs.

Through our partnerships and marketing services with big and small companies, we connect these software developers through our engaging content. We speak to the millennials about the different software and the tech that is changing their world.

Join in our discussions by posting your comments on the topics you like. Let us be a part of your routine.

See you around!